Sunday, 12 February 2012

Take me with you

This blog is a tribute to some wonderful people. If I had the capacity right now I would fill pages with thanks to many people, but I'll make a start here and hope that those not here mentioned will know that they are no less valued. I also hope that the people who I do mention will recognise that I am talking about them!

D&C 84:106 - And if any man among you be strong in Spirit, let him take with him him that is weak, that he may be edified in all meekness, that he may  become strong also.

Today I have been inspired by this scripture. It gives me a vision for what I want to do for those around me, and I also remember in gratitude, wonderful people who have done this for me. I want to thank you.

I have a great friend who is one of the truest people I've ever met. She is someone who would always lend me a listening ear when I wanted to talk and always encouraged me to be my very best self. I learned so much from you as we grew up together and I am grateful that you became a part of my life at a time when I needed a friend just like that.

Not too much later, I met another friend and she became my rock in so many ways. You are still a treasured friend! Thank you for always encouraging me to be myself, and not change in order to fit in with anyone else. That fact has meant more to me than you will ever know. It still bolsters me up today knowing that I have people like you around me who accept me just the way I am.

There are several... but three particular women who I have come to know in the past 2 years that mean so much to me... I don't know whether you realise how much you've helped me in that time and the debt of gratitude I feel I owe to you, but thanks! Thanks for caring and helping and supporting and teaching me. Proud to call you 'friend'.

I have many wonderful extended family members and I love them all, but I want to especially mention one Aunt and Uncle. I will always be grateful to you both for your example, love, and support. It always meant a lot to me (and I'm sure my siblings too) to have you around. To have someone who would come and give me a blessing when I'm sick in the middle of the night or I've cracked my head and am in hospital... *words can't express* I'm so glad to have had my Aunty as a Young Women's leader too, and I loved learning from you in classes and as we associated as family. Thank you both for your example of love and joy in marriage, and helping me have the faith to know that it can happen for me too!

Siblings. Fate made us siblings, but we've chosen to be friends. I'd be lost without any of you. You really are the very best siblings I could have asked for. Thanks for loving me no matter what, making me laugh even when I wanted to cry, helping me solve problems, empathising with me when things suck, and celebrating everything that is amazing.

Thank you to a wonderful mother for being constant. Thank you for bringing us up in difficult circumstances. Thank you for giving me strength to know that I can get through hard things. Thanks for all the times that you wished you could save me the pain, but held my hand (literally and figuratively) through the toughest years and experiences of my life. Thank you for also giving me the courage to take on the biggest adventure of all time - marriage and family. I want to be a mum like you in so many ways!

I am so grateful for a husband who has taught me so much about love. Truly unconditional. No matter how irrational, emotional, or otherwise crazy I may be at times. I wish I were eloquent and could really, truly tell you what it is about you that I am so grateful for, but I'll have to leave that to our ability to understand each other without words.

Last, but certainly not least... thank you to my loving God. I know you sent all these people to me, precisely when I needed them. They have been your hands in my life.

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