Monday, 6 February 2012

Blogging begins

So, I'm doing it! I have an 'official' blog. I hope you will get as much enjoyment from reading it as I do from writing about the (often) random things that pop in to my head :P

I don't have time to write want I want to at this moment, but I wanted to officially get started, so I'll leave you with something I've written previously on facebook...

Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you're not sure what the right things is... and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong. ~ Donna Bell

What a perfect quote!

It was only recently that I said to myself, I don't think you really understand what life is about until you realise it isn't about you. That's one thing being a mother has taught me: no matter what you have or what you lack, looking after yourself isn't what will bring you ultimate happiness. Don't get me wrong - I strongly believe that you have to work for the things you need (it IS your responsibility) and that it is important to nurture your own soul... but that alone is not going to unlock the door to joy and fulfillment.

I've noticed a common link to the days that leave me with the most fulfillment. They are the days when I have done what needs doing without (too much) complaint. The days when I look at what needs to be done and see a way to make the lives of the people I love most a little better instead of something standing between me and what I'd rather be doing. They are the days when I try a little harder to see a person and not their behaviour; to not judge their motives; to remember that their experience is not the same as mine. What it boils down to is that my days are better when I am looking for ways to serve and seeing others the way Christ would. (Note: I hope these days start coming with greater frequency.)

This really is a choice that you have to make every day. It's not always easy. Sometimes we are hard on ourselves thinking we are the only person to whom this does not come naturally and wondering why we have to fight so hard to be ther person we want to be. Guess what? You're not the only one. It's part of this thing we call life. The good news? You can choose to be the person you want to be. If you fall, get back up. One of my favourite quotes is from Richard G. Scott and he said, "You become what you want to be by consistently being what you want to become." What a powerful statement! Do you want to be something? Is there a quality you want to develop? Practice it! The power is in not giving up when you fall short. Start again right away with trying to be more patient, loving, hardworking, etc. (Whatever it is that you want to be.)

Teaching the hard lessons... this is something that is coming to the forefront of my mind with my eldest at the moment. Life how she needs to learn that in life, you don't anything you want just by virtue of wanting it... like how some behaviours are not acceptable... the usual 2 year old stuff :P Wish me luck!

Continuing to the next point in the quote - sometimes you really, really, really, really, don't for the life of you know what to do! One 'expert' swears by controlled crying, others say that young babies are not equipped for self-soothing and that babies consistently left crying for extended periods of time release stress hormones in to brain etc. etc. *guilt trip* I was part of a FB conversation today and saw people say a few times regarding parental decisions something to this effect: sometimes you make a parenting decision and you will know afterward that it wasn't the best for at least one of your children... but you get over it.So that's what we have to do; we have to put it behind us and learn for next time... or we realise that's just how it has to be. Child A will have less time for xyz when child B comes along. Child B will be yanked from pillar to post when they'd normally be sleeping so that you can do something fun for child A. That's just how it is. It's life. Don't be so hard on yourself, i.e. forgive yourself. 

So, I'll finish where I started - with the quote that inspired me.

Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you're not sure what the right things is... and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong. ~ Donna Bell

1 comment:

  1. Yay ... happy to see your blog .... and I get to be first to follow and first to comment. So that means I christened the comments ... WOO HOO. I'll be following your blog and I know it's going to be good. Love Auntie Leonie xoxo


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