Sunday, 13 May 2012

An Unplanned Post

So, this month I was planning on dedicating solely to the 'Happy Days in May' project over at Seven Cherubs... but I'm not the kind of girl who can just not say something once it's in her head and her heart so here I am!

This week has been an interesting one... to be honest not one in which I have spent my time breezing through day-to-day challenges with a smile to boot. But that's ok. It's good to have the above mentioned project to be a part of, to remind me to look at the day and see the good in it. And there is good in each day... when you take the time to see it.

You see, I have been spoiled. My wonderful husband <3 (to whom I have been married for three years this Wednesday) finished study the week before our second child was born and was able to be here at home with us for the first four months of the 'parents-of-two' experience. This has been a blessing all around - we've had so much time together as a family to enjoy one another and it has helped ease us in to the extra work that comes with another child. If I may state the obvious, the extra work is totally worth it.

The day I married the joy in and of my life!

On April 11 we found out that Jonathan had landed a job at last, and he began working the very next day. This too is an amazing blessing. He hasn't had to take any old job just because he needed to work but instead Heavenly Father must have been up there saying, "just wait, the right job for you will be here soon" - it's exactly the type of job he wanted! It's nice to feel self sufficient and not have to rely so much on centrelink, although for that we are grateful too... after all, without that Jonathan wouldn't have been able to do the study that gave him the qualification to do the job he now has. (Isn't Australia awesome?)

So, with these things considered it has been relatively easy to go from one child to two, always having an extra set of hands so that things could get done even if the children needed attention, and sometimes to take a break if I wanted!!! But now it's time to find my 'groove' as my sister puts it. Find it I shall, but I'm also trying to remember to give myself the time and not expect everything to be easy straight up. Not that it's ever really 'easy' but I'm sure you know what I mean... maybe manageable would be a better word.

I have some things to remember. I will remember that my children are a gift and to treasure them now! (I read this blog post earlier in the week and I think all parents should read it!) I will remember that I'm a person, that I need to look after myself, and that in doing so I will be better able to care for the precious souls I will be with for eternity. I will remember that mess isn't the end of the world, that I will learn how to manage it, and that there will be a time in the future when I will miss the constant presence of the tiny people who cause a lot of it.

Two of my reasons for living - they really do bring me joy and grace!

Thanks be to God for my wonderful husband and our two beautiful daughters! Forever indebted <3

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